Anthropology Student Research Symposium

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Welcome to the website for the Humboldt Anthropology Research Symposium! Here you will find information on the symposium, including event details and how to participate by presenting your research!

The 11th Annual Humboldt Anthropology Student Research Symposium will take place:

April 23, 2024
at Author's Hall, Library 202A
at Cal Poly Humboldt

The conference is open to all students, staff, and community members – there is no registration fee.

This year's symposium will be also be organized by students in ANTH 410: Anthropology Capstone

If you have questions, please contact the symposium organizer:
Barbara Klessig


Cal Poly Humboldt: Anthropology Department; Cultural Resources Facility;
College of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences; and the Library


Abstract Submission Deadline: March 25 at 5:00pm

Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to present their original anthropology-related research, project, or theoretical paper at the symposium. Students may be an author on more than one poster/presentation, but lead author on no more than one. To participate, the first step is to submit an abstract (summary) of your presentation.

Please submit abstracts via email to Barbara Klessig at Your abstract should be a document that contains the following information:
  1. Lead researcher information: Name, email, major, and class level. You may be lead researcher on only one presentation.
  2. Names and emails of co-researchers/presenters.
  3. Whether your project involved human/animal subjects, and if yes your IRB/IACUC protocol number if you have one.
  4. Preferred presentation type (poster, podium, or pre-recorded audio/video)
  5. Title of presentation
  6. Three keywords
  7. Your abstract (project summary). The abstract should be 200-300 words. For standard research projects, begin by introducing your project, then briefly summarize research questions, methods (if applicable), results (if known), and potential significance / implications. If your presentation is not based on research, modify accordingly so as to summarize your topic and main points/findings.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed and returned to the students with editorial requests/suggestions. Abstracts that are not disciplinary-relevant or otherwise problematic may not be included in the symposium. 

Instructions for Preparing Presentations:

Upon submitting your abstract, you indicated preference for either a poster, podium or pre-recorded presentation. Prepare the format that you requested unless you are notified otherwise. If you did not specify which you prefer, please contact the symposium organizers (above) to ask which you should prepare.

General guidelines: Design/organization is open, however, presentations generally contain the following basic sections: Introduction, methods, results, discussion (including suggestions for future research), acknowledgements, and references. This format is flexible and you should use your judgment as to the format that best fits your presentation. For example, if you do not have full results, you can discuss the methods and purpose/significance of the project, and discuss preliminary results or challenges you faced as a way to inform future researchers. A presentation can also be organized topically/thematically.

Font should be large enough to read from several feet away (at least 30-point font is recommended). Avoid too much text; instead, bullet-point or brief statements, graphics, charts, tables, and images are strongly encouraged. Font styles must be easily readable, and text and background color contrast strong.  Avoid busy backgrounds behind text - instead, use a dark background with dark text, or light background with light text. 

Please pay special attention to including only ethical and respectful content, as well as how your content might affect others – if in doubt, consult with faculty.

Please plan to submit a full presentable to the symposium organizers for review prior to the symposium. Please submit in a standard format (e.g., Google doc/slides, MS PowerPoint/Word, PDF, or mpg4). If in ANTH 410, please submit according to class instructions. If not in ANTH 410, please submit by April 7th.

Poster presentation specific info: For Anthropology students, the Anthropology Department will cover the cost of printing posters through the Geography Department's Kosmos Lab, Founders Hall 106. Standards poster size is 41.5 inches wide x 30 inches tall, including margins. Be sure to include large enough margins to ensure correct printing (at least 1 inch recommended). Also make sure your font size is large enough to view from a few feet away (at least 24 point recommended). Here are further instructions for preparing and submitting presentation for printing. And, here is a template you may choose to use. Be sure to check with the symposium organizers prior to submitting your poster for printing.

Podium presentation specific info: Here is a template you may choose to use.  Specific information on presentation length will be provided by the symposium organizers after abstract submission.

Video presentations: Video media (e.g., a voiceover/captioned presentation or documentary) information coming soon!

Persons who require disability-related accommodations should contact the Anthropology Department at (707) 826-4124, or email as soon as possible.