Macedonia Research Project

The Macedonia archeology research project is an international collaboration between researchers in the US and Macedonia. The project focuses on the Hellenistic, or Macedonian, era and into the Roman conquest.

Our research is serving to help understand the impacts of socioeconomic and environmental change associated with governance by the wealthy Macedonian kingdom and subjugation under Roman conquest. We are investigating thriving economy and major infrastructure improvements under a Macedonian Kingdom contrasted with a highly restricted economy under Roman subjugation. We ask how these socioeconomic realities impact the use of the environment and how are they reflected in the archaeological record.

Archaeological excavation   

Project Sites:

Crnobuki is a village located within ancient Upper Macedonia in the region known as Lynkestia, the birthplace of Eurydice, Alexander the Great’s grandmother. At Crnobuki, we are focusing on exploring an acropolis.

Demir Kapija or Iron Gates, is located in a militarily strategic geography along a major river, the Vardar, it has been defended by a series of seven fortresses spanning at least 1500 years. Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman eras are all represented.

Archaeological excavation

Cal Poly Humboldt Project Staff:

Nicolas Angeloff, Principal Investigator
Mark Castro, Project Staff
Barbara Klessig, Project Staff & Volunteer Applications Coordinator

Get Involved!

The Macedonia Research Project is accepting volunteers for the 2025 Field Season.  The season will start on Monday, May 26th and continue to June 13th. Volunteers will need to arrive in Skopje on May 24th and will need to purchase their own flight tickets and cover their housing and food expenses. Transportation back to Skopje will be scheduled for June 15th.  If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the form linked here by Feb 28, 2025 at 5:00 pm PST. Volunteers will be advised of acceptance no later than March 10th. If you have questions about volunteering, please contact Barbara Klessig at

  Archaeological excavation